SRS Documantation : Hospital Management System.(BCS-051 | MCS-213)

Develop SRS for a ‘‘Hospital Management System.’’ Make necessary assumptions.

Software Requirements Specification (SRS) for Hospital Management System

1. Introduction
The Hospital Management System is a comprehensive software solution designed to streamline and automate various administrative and operational tasks within a hospital. It aims to improve efficiency, accuracy, and accessibility of information across different departments, including patient management, appointment scheduling, billing, inventory management, and reporting. This document outlines the functional and non-functional requirements of the Hospital Management System.

2. Assumptions
- The system will be developed as a web-based application accessible through standard web browsers.
- The target users of the system include hospital staff, administrators, doctors, nurses, and receptionists.
- The system will handle one hospital facility and does not cater to multi-hospital scenarios.
- The system will not handle real-time patient monitoring or integration with medical devices.
- The system will support English as the primary language for user interfaces and data entry.

3. Functional Requirements
3.1 User Management
- The system shall provide secure user authentication and authorization mechanisms for different roles such as administrator, doctor, nurse, and receptionist.
- The administrator shall have the ability to create, modify, and delete user accounts.
- Each user account shall have appropriate access rights based on their assigned role.

3.2 Patient Management
- The system shall allow the registration of new patients by capturing their personal and medical information, including demographics, contact details, medical history, and insurance details.
- The system shall provide a unique patient identifier to each registered patient.
- The system shall support searching and retrieval of patient records using various criteria such as name, unique identifier, or medical record number.
- The system shall allow updating and maintaining patient records as necessary, including adding diagnoses, treatments, and test results.
- The system shall generate and maintain a chronological log of patient visits, including date, time, and purpose of the visit.

3.3 Appointment Management
- The system shall enable patients to schedule appointments with doctors based on their availability.
- The system shall allow receptionists to view, modify, or cancel appointments as necessary.
- The system shall provide reminders and notifications to patients and staff regarding upcoming appointments.
- The system shall support generating daily, weekly, or monthly schedules for doctors and other healthcare providers.

3.4 Billing and Invoicing
- The system shall generate itemized bills for services rendered, including consultations, procedures, medications, and lab tests.
- The system shall integrate with insurance systems to verify coverage and process claims.
- The system shall provide options for different payment methods, including cash, credit/debit cards, and insurance.
- The system shall maintain a record of all financial transactions, including payments, refunds, and adjustments.

3.5 Inventory Management
- The system shall track inventory levels of medications, medical supplies, and equipment.
- The system shall generate alerts when inventory levels fall below a specified threshold.
- The system shall support the addition, removal, and update of inventory items.
- The system shall allow the tracking of usage and movement of inventory items across different departments.

3.6 Reporting and Analytics
- The system shall provide pre-defined and custom reports for various aspects of hospital management, such as patient statistics, appointment summaries, revenue analysis, and inventory status.
- The system shall support exporting reports in standard formats (e.g., PDF, CSV) for further analysis.

4. Non-Functional Requirements
4.1 Performance
- The system shall handle a minimum of 100 concurrent users without significant performance degradation.
- The response time for essential tasks such as patient registration, appointment scheduling, and billing shall be within acceptable limits (e.g., less than 2 seconds).

4.2 Security
- The system shall ensure secure transmission and storage of sensitive patient information.
- User authentication and access control mechanisms shall be implemented to protect against unauthorized access.
- Audit logs shall be maintained to track user activities and detect any security breaches.

4.3 Usability
- The system shall have a user-friendly interface, with intuitive navigation and clear instructions for different tasks.
- Help documentation and tooltips shall be provided to assist users in understanding system features and functionalities.

4.4 Scalability
- The system shall be designed to accommodate future growth in the number of patients, users, and data volume.
- The underlying infrastructure and database should support scaling without significant performance impact.

4.5 Compatibility
- The system shall be compatible with major web browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, and Safari, ensuring consistent user experience across different platforms.

4.6 Data Backup and Recovery
- The system shall implement regular data backups to prevent data loss in the event of system failures or disasters.
- The system shall have a mechanism to restore data from backups when required.

5. Constraints
- The system development and deployment shall adhere to relevant regulatory and privacy laws governing healthcare data in the targeted region.
- The project should be completed within the allocated budget and timeline.

This Software Requirements Specification (SRS) provides a high-level overview of the features and functionalities expected from the Hospital Management System. It serves as a foundation for the development team to design, implement, and test the system.

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