Mahakaalbhairav Ashtakam: Lyrics and meaning


The Mahakalabhairavashtakam or the Teekshnadamshtrakalabhairavashtakam is a powerful hymn that praises Lord Mahakala Bhairava, one of the fierce forms of Lord Shiva. It was composed by the great sage and philosopher Adi Shankaracharya, who also wrote many other famous hymns and writings on the Vedas and Upanishads. This hymn describes the attributes and appearance of Lord Bhairava, who is the protector of the holy city of Kashi and the destroyer of time, death, and evil. It also invokes his blessings for attaining liberation, prosperity, and protection from all kinds of troubles.

In Sanskrit:

॥ महाकालभैरवाष्टकम् अथवा तीक्ष्णदंष्ट्रकालभैरवाष्टकम् ॥

यं यं यं यक्षरूपं दशदिशिविदितं भूमिकम्पायमानं
सं सं संहारमूर्तिं शिरमुकुटजटा शेखरंचन्द्रबिम्बम् ।
दं दं दं दीर्घकायं विक्रितनख मुखं चोर्ध्वरोमं करालं
पं पं पं पापनाशं प्रणमत सततं भैरवं क्षेत्रपालम् ॥ १ ॥

रं रं रं रक्तवर्णं, कटिकटिततनुं तीक्ष्णदंष्ट्राकरालं
घं घं घं घोष घोषं घ घ घ घ घटितं घर्झरं घोरनादम् ।
कं कं कं कालपाशं द्रुक् द्रुक् दृढितं ज्वालितं कामदाहं
तं तं तं दिव्यदेहं, प्रणामत सततं, भैरवं क्षेत्रपालम् ॥ २ ॥

लं लं लं लं वदन्तं ल ल ल ल ललितं दीर्घ जिह्वा करालं
धूं धूं धूं धूम्रवर्णं स्फुट विकटमुखं भास्करं भीमरूपम् ।
रुं रुं रुं रूण्डमालं, रवितमनियतं ताम्रनेत्रं करालम्
नं नं नं नग्नभूषं, प्रणमत सततं, भैरवं क्षेत्रपालम् ॥ ३ ॥

वं वं वायुवेगं नतजनसदयं ब्रह्मसारं परन्तं
खं खं खड्गहस्तं त्रिभुवनविलयं भास्करं भीमरूपम् ।
चं चं चलित्वाऽचल चल चलिता चालितं भूमिचक्रं
मं मं मायि रूपं प्रणमत सततं भैरवं क्षेत्रपालम् ॥ ४ ॥

शं शं शं शङ्खहस्तं, शशिकरधवलं, मोक्ष सम्पूर्ण तेजं
मं मं मं मं महान्तं, कुलमकुलकुलं मन्त्रगुप्तं सुनित्यम् ।
यं यं यं भूतनाथं, किलिकिलिकिलितं बालकेलिप्रदहानं
आं आं आं आन्तरिक्षं, प्रणमत सततं, भैरवं क्षेत्रपालम् ॥ ५ ॥

खं खं खं खड्गभेदं, विषममृतमयं कालकालं करालं
क्षं क्षं क्षं क्षिप्रवेगं, दहदहदहनं, तप्तसन्दीप्यमानम् ।
हौं हौं हौंकारनादं, प्रकटितगहनं गर्जितैर्भूमिकम्पं
बं बं बं बाललीलं, प्रणमत सततं, भैरवं क्षेत्रपालम् ॥ ६ ॥

वं वं वं वं वाललीलं
सं सं सं सिद्धियोगं, सकलगुणमखं, देवदेवं प्रसन्नं
पं पं पं पद्मनाभं, हरिहरमयनं चन्द्रसूर्याग्नि नेत्रम् ।
ऐं ऐं ऐं ऐश्वर्यनाथं, सततभयहरं, पूर्वदेवस्वरूपं
रौं रौं रौं रौद्ररूपं, प्रणमत सततं, भैरवं क्षेत्रपालम् ॥ ७ ॥

हं हं हं हंसयानं, हसितकलहकं, मुक्तयोगाट्टहासं, 
धं धं धं नेत्ररूपं, शिरमुकुटजटाबन्ध बन्धाग्रहस्तम् ।
तं तं तंकानादं, त्रिदशलटलटं, कामगर्वापहारं, 
भ्रुं भ्रुं भ्रुं भूतनाथं, प्रणमत सततं, भैरवं क्षेत्रपालम् ॥ ८ ॥
इति महाकालभैरवाष्टकं सम्पूर्णम् ।

नमो भूतनाथं नमो प्रेतनाथं
नमः कालकालं नमः रुद्रमालम् ।
नमः कालिकाप्रेमलोलं करालं
नमो भैरवं काशिकाक्षेत्रपालम् ॥

Hinglish Lyrics

Yam yam yam yaksharoopam dashadishividitam bhoomikampayamanam
Sam sam samharamoortim shiramukutajata shekharamchandrabimbam | 
Dam dam dam deerghakayam vikritanakha mukham chordhwaromam karalam 
Pam pam pam papanaasham pranamat satatam bhairavam kshetrapalam || 1 ||

Ram ram ram raktavarnam, katikatitatunum teekshnadamshtrakaralam 
Gham gham gham ghosh ghosham gh gh gh gh ghatitam gharjaram ghoranadam | 
Kam kam kam kalapasham dhruk dhruk dhridhitam jwalitam kamadaham 
Tam tam tam divyadeham, pranamat satatam, bhairavam kshetrapalam || 2 ||

Lam lam lam lam vadantam l l l l lalitam deergh jihva karalam 
Dhoom dhoom dhoom dhoomravarnam sphuta vikatamukham bhaaskaram bheemaroopam | 
Rum rum rum roondamalam, ravitamaniyatam tamranetram karalam 
Nam nam nam nagnabhusham, pranamat satatam, bhairavam kshetrapalam || 3 ||

Vam vam vam vayuvegam natjanasadayam brahmasaram parantam 
Kham kham kham khadgahastam tribhuvanavilayam bhaaskaram bheemaroopam | 
Cham cham cham cham chalitvaachal chal chalita chaalitam bhoomichakram 
Mam mam mam mayi roopam pranamat satatam bhairavam kshetrapalam || 4 ||

Sham sham sham shankhahastam, shashikaradhavalam, moksha sampoorna tejam 
Mam mam mam mam mahantam, kulamakulakulam mantraguptam sunityam | 
Yam yam yam bhootanatham, kilikilikilitam baalakelipradhanam 
Aam aam aam antariksham, pranamat satatam, bhairavam kshetrapalam || 5 ||

Kham kham kham khadgabhedam, vishamamritamayam kalakalam karalam 
Ksham ksham ksham kshipravegam, dahadahadahanam taptasandeeptyamanam | 
Haum haum haumkaranadam, prakatitaghanam garjitairbhoomikampam 
Bam bam bam baalaleelam, pranamat satatam, bhairavam kshetrapalam || 6 ||

Vam Vam vam vam vaalaleelam 
Sam sam sam siddhiyogam, sakalagunamakham, devadevam prasannam 
Pam pam pam padmanabham, hariharamayanam chandrasooryagni netram | 
Aim aim aim aishwaryanatham, satatabhayaharam, poorvadevaswaroopam 
Raum raum raum raudraroopam, pranamat satatam, bhairavam kshetrapalam || 7 ||

Ham ham ham hamsayanam, hasitakalahakam, muktayogattahasam, 
Dham dham dham netraroopam, shiramukutajatabandha bandhagrahastam | 
Tam tam tamkaanadam, tridashalatalatam, kamagarvapaharam, 
Bhroom bhroom bhroom bhootanatham, pranamat satatam, bhairavam kshetrapalam || 8 || 

Iti mahakalabhairavashtakam sampurnam |

Namo bhootanatham namo pretanatham 
Namah kalakalam namah rudramalam | 
Namah kalikapremalolam karalam 
Namo bhairavam kashikaakshetrapalam ||

Meaning of Each Verse

The meaning of each verse of the Mahakalabhairavashtakam is as follows:

Verse 1: I bow down to Lord Bhairava, who is the guardian of the sacred city of Kashi, who has the form of a yaksha, who is known in all the ten directions, who makes the earth tremble, who is the destroyer of death, who has a crown of matted hair and a moon on his forehead, who is the abode of compassion, who has a long body, a distorted face, a hairy chest, and a terrifying appearance, who is the remover of sins, and who is always worshipped by the yogis.

Verse 2: I bow down to Lord Bhairava, who is the guardian of the sacred city of Kashi, who shines like millions of suns, who is the deliverer from the ocean of worldly existence, who is supreme, who has a blue throat, who grants the desired boons, who has three eyes, who is the lord of time, who has lotus-like eyes, who has an eternal trident, and who is immortal.

Verse 3: I bow down to Lord Bhairava, who is the guardian of the sacred city of Kashi, who has a trident, a noose, a staff, and a hand in his hands, who is the cause of creation, who has a dark body, who is the primordial god, who is imperishable, who is free from disease and decay, who is immensely powerful, who is the lord, who loves the wonderful dance of destruction, and who has a long tongue and a dreadful face.

Verse 4: I bow down to Lord Bhairava, who is the guardian of the sacred city of Kashi, who bestows worldly enjoyment and liberation, who has a beautiful and auspicious form, who is affectionate to his devotees, who is present in all the worlds, who makes a pleasant sound with his golden waist-belt adorned with small bells, and who has a divine body.

Verse 5: I bow down to Lord Bhairava, who is the guardian of the sacred city of Kashi, who is the protector of the bridge of righteousness, who destroys the path of unrighteousness, who liberates from the bondage of karma, who bestows good fortune, who is the lord, who has a golden color, who has a snake as his sacred thread, and who has a radiant body.

Verse 6: I bow down to Lord Bhairava, who is the guardian of the sacred city of Kashi, who has a pair of feet adorned with gem-studded sandals, who is eternal and non-dual, who is the cherished deity, who is pure, who destroys the pride of death, who has fierce teeth, who roars like a lion, who causes the earth to quake, and who plays like a child.

Verse 7: I bow down to Lord Bhairava, who is the guardian of the sacred city of Kashi, who bestows the yoga of perfection, who is the source of all virtues, who is the god of gods, who is pleased, who has a lotus-like navel, who is the combination of Hari and Hara, who has the eyes of the moon, the sun, and the fire, who is the lord of wealth, who removes fear, who is the ancient god, and who has a fierce form.

Verse 8: I bow down to Lord Bhairava, who is the guardian of the sacred city of Kashi, who rides on a swan, who laughs and quarrels, who has the laughter of liberation, who has the form of the eye, who has a crown of matted hair tied with a snake, who has a hand that holds the earth, who makes a loud sound, who pervades the three worlds, who steals the pride of desire, and who is the lord of the spirits.


The Mahakalabhairavashtakam is a hymn that glorifies Lord Mahakala Bhairava, the supreme lord of time, death, and Kashi. It describes his terrifying and majestic form, his benevolence and grace, and his power and glory. By chanting this hymn, one can attain liberation, prosperity, and protection from all kinds of troubles. It also helps one to be aware of the present moment and transcend the limitations of time. This hymn is a masterpiece of Adi Shankaracharya, who was a great sage and philosopher of Hinduism. He composed many other hymns and writings that reveal the essence of the Vedas and Upanishads. The Mahakalabhairavashtakam is a tribute to Lord Bhairava, the guardian of Kashi and the destroyer of evil.

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