Code : Flappy Bird Game [HTML | CSS | JS]

Step 1: Create Index.html File.

  <!DOCTYPE html>
        <title> Flappy Bird </title>
        <div id = "game"></div>

Step 2: Create Style.css File.


    top:calc(50% - 5vmin); left:1em;
    transition:transform 0.5s;

    background:linear-gradient(to right#0f0greendarkgreen 45%darkgreen 65%green#0f0);

    background:linear-gradient(to right#0f0greendarkgreen 45%darkgreen 65%green#0f0);

    box-shadow:0 0 3px black;

    box-shadow:0 0 3px black;



Step 3: Create Script.js File.
var $ = (id=> document.getElementById(id);

var gravity;
var advance;
//Score, gravity power(1 default) and boolean for checking if the bird can fly.
var game_score = 0;
//Somewhat a falling acceleration.
var gravityPoints = 0;
//Bird alive or dead
var alive = true;
//The speed of poles coming towards the bird
const flySpeed = 9;
//extra jump height
const aditionalJump = 5;

//Bird "jump".
function fly(){
    if(alive === true){
        //Going up if the bird is alive
        $("player").style.transition = "all 0.5s";
        $("player")$("player").offsetTop - window.innerHeight/10 - aditionalJump + "px";
        gravity = false//forbiding user to click for bird jump until the last jump is finished
        $("player").style.transform = "rotate(-20deg)";
        gravityPoint = 0;
            if(gravity === false){
                gravity = setInterval(fall15);
                $("game").addEventListener("click"fly, {once:true});
                $("player").style.transition = "";
        }, 500);

//html elements made with js because that one div in html looks too great.
function createPlayer_and_score(){
    let player = document.createElement("div"); = "player";
    let score = document.createElement("div"); = "score";
    $("score").innerText = "Score: " + game_score;
    //Tap to play
    let play = document.createElement("div"); = "playText";
    $("playText").innerText = "Tap to Play";

function write_score(){
    $("score").innerText = "Score: " + (++game_score);

window.onload = function(){
    createClouds("calc(180% + 12.5vmin)");
    $("game").addEventListener("click"beginGame, {once:true});

function fall(){
    $("player")$("player").offsetTop + 1 + gravityPoint/9.81 + "px";
    $("player").style.transform = "rotate(15deg)";
    //Collision with top and bottom borders of the screen

function checkBorders_replay(){
    if($("player").offsetTop < 0){$("game").removeEventListener("click"fly);}
    if($("player").offsetTop + $("player").offsetHeight > window.innerHeight){

function replay_button(){
    $("playText").innerText = "Tap to Replay";
    $("playText").style.display = "block";
    $("game").addEventListener("click",beginGame, {once:true});

//Creating the green things
function createClouds(x = "120%"){
    let topCloud = document.createElement("div");
    let bottomCloud = document.createElement("div");
    topCloud.classList = "topCloud";
    bottomCloud.classList = "bottomCloud"; = x; = x;
    let randTop = Math.floor(Math.random() * 70); = randTop + "vh"; = 100 - 30 - randTop + "vh";

function goForward(){
    //Advancing towards the clouds
    for(let z = 0z < document.getElementsByClassName("topCloud").lengthz++){
        document.getElementsByClassName("topCloud")[z].style.left = (document.getElementsByClassName("topCloud")[z].offsetLeft - 1) + "px";
        document.getElementsByClassName("bottomCloud")[z].style.left = (document.getElementsByClassName("bottomCloud")[z].offsetLeft - 1) + "px";
    //removing the previous cloud then adding a new one
    if(document.getElementsByClassName("topCloud")[0].offsetLeft < -document.getElementsByClassName("topCloud")[0].offsetWidth){

function checkForCollision(){
    //collision with the first top and bottom clouds
    if($("player").offsetLeft + $("player").offsetWidth > document.getElementsByClassName("topCloud")[0].offsetLeft || $("player").offsetLeft > document.getElementsByClassName("topCloud")[0].offsetLeft){
        if(($("player").offsetTopdocument.getElementsByClassName("topCloud")[0].offsetTop + document.getElementsByClassName("topCloud")[0].offsetHeight)  ||  ($("player").offsetTop + $("player").offsetHeight > document.getElementsByClassName("bottomCloud")[0].offsetTop)){
            gravityPoints = 3;
            alive = false;

//start game and restart
function beginGame(){
    alive = true;
    $("player").style.transform = "rotate(0deg)";
    $("player") = "calc(50% - 5vmin)";
    document.getElementsByClassName("topCloud")[0].style.left = "120%";
    document.getElementsByClassName("topCloud")[1].style.left = "calc(180% + 12.5vmin)";
    document.getElementsByClassName("bottomCloud")[0].style.left = "120%";
    document.getElementsByClassName("bottomCloud")[1].style.left = "calc(180% + 12.5vmin)";
    $("playText").style.display = "none";
    game_score = 0;
    gravityPoint = 0;
    $("score").innerText = "Score: 0";
        gravity = setInterval(fall15);
        advance = setInterval(goForwardflySpeed);
        $("game").addEventListener("click"fly, {once:true});
    }, 500);

Step 4: Result.

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Happy coding!

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  1. I did everything but I did not understood that how to run it


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