Question 5 : “Employees’ health plays a significant role for the development of any organization and work place hazards and diseases pose danger to the health of employees”.

Question 5 : “Employees’ health plays a significant role for the development of any organization and work place hazards and diseases pose danger to the health of employees”. Elaborate this statement. What are the policies framed during COVID-19 to protect the health of the workers with suitable examples? 


Role of Employees in Organization Culture

A place where individuals from different backgrounds, religions, communities come together on a common platform to work towards a predefined goal is called an organization. Every organization has set of principles and policies mandatory for all the employees to follow.

The beliefs, ideologies and practices of an organization form its culture which gives a sense of direction to the employees. The work culture goes a long way in creating the brand image of the organization and making it distinct from its competitors. The employees are the true assets of an organization. They are the ones who contribute effectively towards the successful functioning of an organization. They strive hard to deliver their level best and achieve the assigned targets within the stipulated time frame.

The employees play an important role in deciding the culture of the workplace. Their behaviour, attitude and interest at the workplace form the culture.

Let us understand how employees affect the work culture.

Please go through the below cases:

Organization A
The employees are least bothered about the policies of the organization and attend work just to sustain their job. For them the workplace is nothing but a mere source of earning money. In such a scenario, people seldom get attached to their organization and thus move on in a very short span of time.

Organization B
In organization B, employees are particular about the rules and regulations of the organization and adhere to the set guidelines. The individuals focus on their work and look forward to achieving it well ahead of the deadlines. People stay away from unnecessary gossips and prefer sitting at their workstations rather than loitering around.

Organization C
Organization C is a male oriented organization where male employees dominate their female counterparts. Frequent late sitting is a regular feature of the organization culture. Employees prefer staying back late to finish off their pending work. No organization expects its employees to stay back; it is the employee who according to his own convenience adjusts the timings and makes it the culture of the workplace.

In all the above situations it is the style of working and the behaviour of the employees which form the culture of the workplace. The thought processes and assumptions of the members of the organization contribute to its culture. A motivated and a satisfied employee would promote a healthy culture at the workplace as compared to a demotivated employee.

There are certain organizations where the employees willingly accept challenges and learn something new each day. The roles and responsibilities are delegated as per the interest and specialization of the employees and thus each one tries hard to perform better than the fellow workers. Such organizations follow a strong culture as employees are serious about their work and abide by the policies. However there are certain organizations where things need to be imposed on the employees. They somehow have to be forced by the management to perform their duties. Team leaders have to be appointed to monitor their performance and make them work. In such cases organization follow a weak culture.

Some organizations have aggressive employees who promote healthy competition at the workplace. Such organizations follow a culture where every individual tries hard to win the appreciation of the management. Recognition hungry employees encourage a positive culture at the workplace as compared to organizations where people have nothing innovative to do.

Constant disputes, disagreements, leg pulling lead to a negative ambience at the workplace. Employees find it difficult to concentrate in such a culture and look for a change.

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